Saturday, May 28, 2011

Can anyone identify these birds?

Each morning of late we've been woken by hundreds of parrots, they are all white and seem like a cross between a cockatoo and an owl in appearance. Actually you know what, they rather look like Mr Lavender, my old lavender aracauna man hen! They sound like babies crying when they call to each other.  They seem to be moving enmasse to - somewhere, I'm not sure where, but they are clearly on the move and not looking to settle down in the area I don't think.  Yet they return from time to time.

They look like Mr Lavender below..same face and type of feathers anyway.

They are so noisy!  The poor bok flock run and cower inside whenever they hear the parrots calling.

Anyone have any ideas about what they are?  I thought corellas initially but they don't have the right colours.


  1. Oh, I was going to say corellas too! Different species or sub-species?

  2. I'm thinking corellas as well. Noisy buggers! :-)

  3. These pictures make me smile :-)So exotic!
    Hugs from me!

  4. Fortunately for us they like the school field close to our house. I have many bird poos in our veggie bed at the moment.

  5. we have parrots in our garden African green and they are noisy but fun too watch.

  6. are they sulphur-crested cockatoos? hard to tell from the photos, but that's certainly the behaviour of them!!

  7. They are probably the ones that live in Eltham. HA! I'd say corellas even though they might not have the right face colours... Dunno!

  8. Not sure about your ants, but the ones that march in through my front door seem to be deterred by a little plastic disc of Ant Stop in the hall. It is supposed to attract them to the lethal bait, which they carry back to the nest, but from what I see of their numbers outside, it doesn't seem to have much impact except indoors - so I feel less of a mass-murderer, and have an ant-free house as well!

  9. What an amazing sight and sound to be woken by, as for the ants, no ideas apart from the usual, ant powder.

  10. They look like Little Corellas to me! As opposed to galahs (pink and gray) or cockies (bigger and a lot louder/screechier).


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