Saturday, September 3, 2011

An eggcellent mystery on an eggcellent day!


After a jaunty morning spent at Cafe Vue and the Heide grounds with the family in the absolutely stunning Spring sunshine...

We arrived home for me to find this in the coop.


The one on the left is the usual egg that Hypatia lays.  The teeny one on the right...well...I'm not sure!

Now I don't know about you, but I don't think little bubba chickens are supposed to lay eggs!  My girls are all definitely very young (about 12 weeks now!) - with the exception of who laid this teeny tiny egg today??
No other point of reference handy other than a bottle of nail polish!  (sorry)

There is some odd teensy tinsy egg laying business going around Melbourne lately.  I just opened my mail to find this post from VG!  She has a teensy tinsy egglet too!

I'm baffled.

Which one of you girls laid this teeny egg.  Unless it was you Hypatia, laying two on the same day??



A truly eggcellent mystery...


  1. I'd have thought the new girls were too young too. I had some eggs for dinner from my dad's chooks and one of those was small and almost round. Lots of egg oddness everywhere!

  2. Hello and thanks for popping into my blog a while back. Very curious egg incident. Before we had the fox incident last week we did have a mega- egg that was HUGE but Sooty was only laying every 2-3 days. Never had one as quite as teeny as that though. melx

  3. That is a mystery! Makes sense if it was the second egg Hypatia laid on the same day, it would be smaller?

  4. Bizarre! Concluded it can't be Hypatia as she lays a light brown/pale pink egg whilst the teensy one is all white! :)

  5. Girls of all species seem to be maturing earlier and earlier it seems!

  6. Too funny. I can't imagine holding such a small chicken egg.

  7. How odd, one of my chickens laid a teensy, tiny egg today as well........

    Not sure who laid it, no one was brave enough to own up to it!!

    Not even big enough for a one egg omelette...........

    Claire :}

  8. Ah this is weird. It must be the change of season. Kooky!

  9. Maybe it was spring celebration the cause of that egg mystery. Never thought in that age so young it can already lay eggs. I love mystery.

  10. Two eggs in one day! IT HAPPENS - honestly.

    I've had it happen twice (from the same hen) and it's brilliant when that happens so well done you.

    Very eggciting.

  11. eggcellent mystery! It is so tiny it is cute.

  12. It seems that has your mature hen taught the young ones to dine, now she, perhaps, teaching them to lay. Ours have just really begun to produce. I love the little fired eggs. We have one hen laying double yokes. Your hens are doing well.

  13. OOHH! Amazing! 12 Weeks! Clever girls!

  14. A mystery indeed! You'll have to set up spy cameras :)

    As an aside, did your morning cafe have little pot plants on the tables? Gorgeous!

  15. Very bizarre! It happened AGAIN today! A big light brown one from Hypatia and tiny white one from someone else...I've never seen eggs so small before. I suspect perhaps it's Joan (of Arc) the Belgian D'Uccle, apparently they lay little eggs and these eggs are so very little and so very white!

    Kari, yes, the little pots of moroccan mint were on every table. So lovely!

  16. Ooh a mystery! Now I wonder if you could install cameras. This would of course be step 1 of making a tv show on them! ;)

  17. How odd. One of them is going to wonderful efforts to impress you, who ever it is.

  18. How cute is that egg! I like the one legged balancing act one of your girls is doing in that photo, too!

  19. This is odd... I've had the same thing happen too (very tiny egg). I also had a double-yolk this week and I went a little crazy taking photos of the eggs--from tiny to huge. It's nice to know there are other chicken keepers who ponder these things :)


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